When I try to load an image, the application exits. My iPad is running on iOS version 6.0
There was a known issue with the iOS 6.0 which was corrected in version 6.1. It affected all applications in the portrait orientation. The latest version of this app is available on the App Store which uses a different approach to address this problem. Please update to the latest version, or alternatively you can update your device to iOS 6.1.
License Verification Issues
Please make sure you are logged into the device with the same credentials that you used to purchase the app and also verify that you have internet access by using the browser and reaching a website such as google.com. If the problem persists, please reboot (power off the device, wait a few seconds and them power on the device). These steps should resolve any issue.
How do I access the menu on Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Samsung removed the menu button which was available on the previous versions of Note. On Note 4 you can access the menu by pressing and holding the "Recent Apps button". The next version of the app will address this issue independently.
I get a message that image is too large.
This application uses several graphical layers and as a result will require a minimum amount of memory to function correctly. This has nothing to do with how much memory you have on your device since the Android OS at the start decides how much memory to allocate to the application, depending on a variety of factors, such as how many other applications are running in the background on the devices. If you get this message, you should try to close other unneeded applications that are running in the background and try again. If possible, try to use a smaller image.
I get a message that image is too large.
This application uses several graphical layers and as a result will require a minimum amount of memory to function correctly. This has nothing to do with how much memory you have on your device since the Android OS at the start decides how much memory to allocate to the application, depending on a variety of factors, such as how many other applications are running in the background on the devices. If you get this message, you should try to close other unneeded applications that are running in the background and try again. If possible, try to use a smaller image.
The application closes right away. My device runs OS version 4.1 (or 4.2)
The original version of this app was designed for OS versions 3.x and 4.0. The introduction of 4.1 caused and incompatibility with the version of the app that was released previously. The issue is addressed since. Make sure you upgrade to the latest version.
The application crashes right away
This application only runs on HTC Flyer and HTC Jetstream since it relies on a specific hardware that is present in those devices. It does not run on any other device.
I have an HTC device, but the application still doesn't work
This application requires a particular hardware that is only present in the Flyer and HTC Jestream devices. No other device (either from HTC or any other manufacturer) has that required hardware and therefore this application cannot function correctly on any other devices.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note with Pen interface but I the application does not work
The Samsung Galaxy Note (and all of its different models) have a different hardware interface than the one in HTC and therefore this application cannot function correctly on them. There is a specific version that supports Samsung Galaxy Note. You get it here.
I have an Android device but it is not HTC Flyer/Jetstream. What can I do
If you have a Samsung Galaxy Note, there is a version specifically for your device which you can get from Google Play Store here. Traces Pro runs on other Android devices running OS version 2.3 or newer which you can get from Google Play Store here.
For all other issues please contact support.